My Art work 1

For those who may not know it I love art and love to sketch/draw. Here are a few samples of my art work I have done in the last couple of days. The first one is how I envisioned The Deity Gaea in her human guise in the books Cobweb Bride Trilogy.

My interpretation of the human form of Gaea from the book Cobweb Bride.

My interpretation of the human form of Gaea from the book Cobweb Bride.


This second one (didn’t come out too well) is one someone wanted for a tattoo. She has yet to see it so I am not sure if she wants it or not.

Hearts and roses

Hearts and roses


This third picture I made a sketch of an outfit I bought, but added a couple tweaks to it.

Lady in purple

Lady in purple


This last one is in honor of “Catsinabar” which posts here quite a bit. I do like the cats and thought the author might like this pix.

In honor of "Catsatabar"

In honor of “Catsatabar”


I may post more later, but I thought these might be fun to show off. Let me know what you think. Any ideas, suggestions, etc., would be appreciated a lot! Thanks!

3 thoughts on “My Art work 1

  1. I love it! I and the gang are incredibly honored by your tribute. 🙂

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